
We have carried out research on a wide range of different aspects of housing. This includes housing for specific groups (travellers, older people and people with a disability), housing tenure (private rented, social and owner occupied) and housing market (supply, demand, place, design). 

If you are looking for something in particular or if there is a knowledge gap in terms of a specific area, where you think there is a need for research, please get in touch email:

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How to Develop a Housing with Support Scheme for Older People: Framework Toolkit
Posted:  Research area: Housing For Older People, Design
This toolkit has emerged from research, jointly commissioned by Dublin City Council and the Housing Agency, which examined the first phase of the Inchicore Housing with Support Demonstration prototype. The toolkit was developed to provide a guide for social housing providers interested in developing Housing with Support projects for older people.
Dublin Age Friendly Housing with Support Model
Posted:  Research area: Housing For Older People, Design
This report, jointly commissioned by Dublin City Council and the Housing Agency, contains the results of an evaluation of the first phase of the Inchicore Housing with Support Demonstration prototype. The overall aim of this housing project was to develop a new model of housing for older people.
Summary of Social Housing Assessments
Posted:  Research area: Demand, Social Housing
Each year, the Housing Agency carries out an assessment of households qualified for social housing support. The Summary of Social Housing Assessments brings together information provided by local authorities on households that are qualified for social housing support but whose social housing need is not currently being met. It is a point-in-time assessment of the identified need for social housing support across the country.
Thinking Ahead: Independent and Supported Housing Models for an Ageing Population
Posted:  Research area: Housing For Older People
This report by the Housing Agency provides case study examples of housing for older people across Ireland which have varying scales of support services. It showcases best practice examples and includes lessons learned from schemes.
A Review of the Management and Maintenance of Local Authority Housing
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
The Housing Agency assisted the National Audit and Oversight Committee in the completion of this review. The review examines the effectiveness of local authorities in managing and maintaining their housing stock.
Resolving Unfinished Housing Developments: 2016 Annual Progress Report on Actions to Address Unfinished Housing Developments
Posted:  Research area: Supply
This annual publication charts progress and the results of a survey on tackling the issue of unfinished housing developments. The Housing Agency and the Department for Housing, Planning, Community and Local Government supports local authorities in their work in resolving these issues.
Rent Pressure Zones - Proposal to Designate Certain Electoral Area's
Posted:  Research area: Private Rented Sector
This document contains a proposal from the Housing Agency to the Minister for Housing, Planning and Local Government, to designate specific electoral areas as a Rent Pressure Zone.
Housing Agency Submission on relevent planning issues for the National Planning Framework
Posted:  Research area: Place
This is a submission by the Housing Agency to a public consultation on the National Planning Framework (NPF) which sets out the Housing Agency's suggestions on relevant planning issues.
Experience of Travellers in the Private Rented Sector
Posted:  Research area: Housing For Travellers, Private Rented Sector
This research was commissioned by the Housing Agency and conducted by independent researchers RSM PACEC Ltd. It examines the experiences of Travellers in the Private Rented Sector, and aims to provide a greater understanding as to why some Travellers are access the private rented sector.
Housing Agency Annual Report 2017
Posted:  Research area: 
This is the Housing Agency’s Year Annual Report outlining the Agency’s activities and financial performance in the period.