Funding Opportunities

Research Support Programme

The Research Support Programme is an annual call, which funds research responding to topical housing issues that have the potential to impact on housing policy and practice. Different research strands that The Housing Agency is particularly interested in are announced each year. 

The call for proposals for the 2024 Research Support Programme is now open. Links to all relevant documents are below.

If you would like to receive updates and details about the call for applications for the Research Support Programme please email

2024 Application Form

RSP Call for Proposals 2024

Guidance Document for RSP Applicants

Ethical Framework 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Housing Education Bursary Scheme

Applications to The Housing Agency Housing Education Bursary Scheme 2023/2024 are now open and can be made by completing the application form available to download here.

The Bursary Scheme supports students and housing professionals seeking to enrol in housing studies courses offered by the Institute of Public Administration (IPA) and the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH), which commence each year in September and January respectively:

Course Closing Date for Applications Course Start Date
IPA NFQ Level 6 (Special Purpose Award) Certificate in Housing Studies  5pm, 1st September 2023 September 2023
IPA NFQ Level 8 (Special Purpose Award) Professional Diploma in Housing Studies  5pm, 1st September 2023 September 2023
ICSH Level 4 Certificate in Housing  5pm, 1st November 2023 January 2024


For more information on the above courses please visit the course providers websites at IPA - Institute of Public Administration and The Irish Council for Social Housing (

Please note that applicants are required to make separate applications for both course attendance and this bursary scheme if they wish to avail of the bursary.

If you would like to be kept informed on the latest training opportunities in the housing sector please contact us at