
We have carried out research on a wide range of different aspects of housing. This includes housing for specific groups (travellers, older people and people with a disability), housing tenure (private rented, social and owner occupied) and housing market (supply, demand, place, design). 

If you are looking for something in particular or if there is a knowledge gap in terms of a specific area, where you think there is a need for research, please get in touch email:

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A Guide to the Mortgage to Rent Scheme
Posted:  Research area: 

The Mortgage to Rent Scheme is a Government initiative that was set up in 2012 to help people who are finding it extremely difficult to meet mortgage repayments every month to stay in their home.

Under the Mortgage to Rent Scheme, a person will voluntarily surrender ownership of their home to their lender. A third party will then buy the home from the lender. The person will no longer own their home but they will continue to live in it as a tenant, while paying an income--related rent set by their local authority.

Summary of Social Housing Assessments 2019
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing, Demand
Each year, the Housing Agency carries out an assessment of households qualified for social housing support. The Summary of Social Housing Assessments brings together information provided by local authorities on households that are qualified for social housing support but whose social housing need is not currently being met. It is a point-in-time assessment of the identified need for social housing support across the country.
Housing Agency Annual Report 2018
Posted:  Research area: 
This is the Housing Agency’s Year Annual Report outlining the Agency’s activities and financial performance in the period.
Traveller Accommodation Expert Review 2019
Posted:  Research area: Housing For Travellers

The Traveller Accommodation Expert Group was established in 2018, by Minister Damien English, to review the Housing (Traveller Accommodation) Act, 1998 and other legislation impacting on the provision and delivery of accommodation for Travellers. The aims of the Expert Group were to review the effectiveness of the 1998 Act and whether it provides a robust legislative basis for meeting the current and future accommodation needs of the Traveller Community, and to review other legislation that impacts on the delivery of Traveller-specific accommodation.

Housing Experiences of Renters and Owners in Ireland: Reports 3 & 4

This report is based on findings from the Housing Agency National Study of Irish Housing Experiences, Attitudes and Aspirations in Ireland, and focuses on the housing experiences of renters and owners in Ireland.

Designing Housing to Meet the Needs of All
Posted:  Research area: Housing for People with a Disability

The Housing Agency has produced a roadmap which provides a pathway towards the information required to make informed decisions about better design, and to enable access, in a structured and easily understood way, to the standards and guidance required to ensure that every person has a home that is appropriate to their needs. It is underpinned by the existing regulatory environment, compliance with which is mandatory, as it applies.

Owners' Management Companies, Sustainable Apartment Living for Ireland
Posted:  Research area: Owner Occupied, Supply

This research was jointly commissioned by Clúid Housing and the Housing Agency and conducted by independent researchers. The report "Owners' Management Companies - Sustainable Apartment Living for Ireland" examines current issues for Owners' Management Companies around service charges, sinking funds, the MUD Act, volunteer directors, etc.  It explores international best practice; delivers research findings on the sector and recommends reforms. 

The Housing Agency Strategic Plan 2019-2021
Posted:  Research area: 

The Housing Agency Strategic Plan 2019-2021 sets out the organisation's vision, mission, values and objectives over a three-year period.

Incentives for the Re-Use of Vacant Buildings in Town Centres for Housing and Sustainable Communities in Scotland, Denmark and France
Posted:  Research area: Demand, Supply
This report was commissioned by The Collaborative Working Group for Housing and Sustainable Living, of which the Housing Agency is a member. Authored by Dr Philip Crowe, it examines the reuse of vacant buildings in town centres.
How Data on Vacancy is Created and Used: Case studies from Scotland, Denmark and Philadelphia
Posted:  Research area: Demand, Supply
This report, commissioned by The Collaborative Working Group for Housing and Sustainable Living, of which the Housing Agency is a member, examines how data on vacancy is created using a case study approach.