Mortgage to Rent Scheme

The Mortgage to Rent scheme is a government initiative to help homeowners who are at risk of losing their home through mortgage arrears.

Read: A Guide to the Mortgage to Rent Scheme.

Mortgage to Rent Statistics

To qualify for the Mortgage to Rent scheme:


  1. Are you unable to make the repayments on your Mortgage Loan and is this situation unlikely to change in the future?
  2. Are you engaging with your lender to try to find a solution to the situation?
  3. Have you completed the Mortgage Arrears Resolution Process (MARP) with your lender? MARP is a system that requires lenders to adhere to a process for borrowers who fall into arrears with their mortgage.


  1. Is your property in negative equity or within the limits of positive equity allowed under the scheme? 
    Your property can have marginal equity but must be within the limits for its location as outlined below:

    Cork City, Dublin City, Dún Laoghaire Rathdown, Fingal, Galway City, Meath, South Dublin, Kildare, Wicklow €50,000
    Carlow, Clare, Cork County, Galway County, Kerry, Kilkenny, Laois, Limerick City and County, Louth, Westmeath, Wexford, Waterford City and County.  €45,000
    Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Longford, Mayo, Monaghan, Offaly, Roscommon, Sligo, Tipperary.€40,000


  2. Is your family home the only property you own?
  3. Are you living in a property that suits your needs i.e. not be over or under-accommodated, in accordance with Local Authority guidelines plus two bedrooms? Where your household is over accommodated (i.e. where you have more than 2 spare bedrooms
  4. Is the value of your property no more than €515,000 for a house (up from previous limit of €450,000) and €385,000 for an apartment or townhouse (up from previous limit of €335,000) in the areas of Dublin, Kildare, Meath, Wicklow, Louth, Cork and Galway and €395,000 for a house (up from previous limit of €345,000) and €265,000 for an apartment or townhouse (up from previous limit of €230,000) in the rest of the country?


  1. Are you eligible for Social Housing Support in the local authority in whose area the house is located?
  2. Is your income below €30,000*, €35,000* or €40,000* a year, depending on what part of the country you live in? (net household income is the household income after taxes and social insurance (PRSI) have been taken off). (*Additional allowances for children, you can find more information on the website of the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government)
  3. Do you have a long-term right to remain in the Republic of Ireland?


How does it work?

  • If you are eligible for the scheme :
  • You voluntarily surrender possession of your home to your mortgage lender who immediately sells it to a provider of the MTR scheme and you will become a tenant.
  • You will no longer own your property, but you can continue living in your home as a social housing tenant. Your tenancy agreement will be with an Approved Housing Body or your Local Authority depending on who purchases your home.


Benefits of the scheme:

  • Peace of mind for you and your family to remain living in your home.
  • You pay an income based affordable rent.
  • The proceeds of the sale from your home to the housing association will go towards your mortgage debt and your lender will discuss any remaining debt with you.
  • Option to buy back your home after a period of 5 years if your situation improves.
  • The owner of the property will look after property maintenance issues as set out in your tenancy agreement.


How to apply?

  • You can request Mortgage to Rent from your lender or your lender may suggest MTR to you after your Standard Financial Statement has been assessed.
  • Where appropriate, your lender will offer you the opportunity to apply for the scheme and give you an application form for Mortgage to Rent.
  • Complete your Mortgage to Rent application form and a Social Housing Support application form and give them both to your local authority along with the letter from your lender stating your mortgage is unsustainable.
  • You must get independent legal and debt advice about your situation. Your lender will pay approximately €500 for legal advice. Your lender will pay €250 for financial advice (on confirmation of receipt of the advice), you can obtain the name of an approved financial advisor on  Your lender will pay this advisor €250 directly. The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) can provide independent debt advice for free. 

Full details of the MTR scheme along with frequently asked questions, borrowers’ stories and the benefits of the scheme can be found at

For information on how your personal data will be used, The Housing Agency's privacy policy can be accessed here.

The Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage's privacy statement can be accessed here: Irish Version English Version

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