Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme

The Enhanced Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme provides financial support to homeowners whose home has been damaged by the use of defective concrete blocks during its construction. 

The scheme is open to affected homeowners in counties Clare, Donegal, Limerick, Mayo and Sligo. Applications are made through the local authority in each area.  

The Housing Agency acts as agents to the local authorities and has two main functions in relation to the scheme:

  • To determine whether or not a home meets the damage threshold for entry into the scheme 
  • To determine the appropriate remediation option and grant amount. 

The Housing Agency’s role makes it easier for homeowners to access the scheme by taking on the financial cost of assessing and testing homes. 

Information on how to apply can be found at:  

•Clare County Council –
•Donegal County Council –
•Limerick City and County Council –
•Mayo County Council –


Documents providing detailed information on the scheme are available at the links provided. Homeowners are strongly advised to read these in advance of contacting their local authority. 


Or learn more at


There have been recent changes to the scheme that affect The Housing Agency’s role and functions.  


To contact The Housing Agency in relation to the scheme:  

01 6564100

Housing Agency,
53 Mount Street Upper,
Dublin 2, D02 KT73