
We have carried out research on a wide range of different aspects of housing. This includes housing for specific groups (travellers, older people and people with a disability), housing tenure (private rented, social and owner occupied) and housing market (supply, demand, place, design). 

If you are looking for something in particular or if there is a knowledge gap in terms of a specific area, where you think there is a need for research, please get in touch email:

Our quarterly newsletter gathers together useful information for housing practitioners. You can subscribe to the quarterly newsletter at this link

Policy Insights Series Issue 2- Developing a Tenant Engagement Culture and Structure: The Case of Circle VHA
Posted:  Research area: 

The Housing Agency Housing Insight Series aims to disseminate good practice in housing and innovative solutions among housing practitioners in Ireland. Issues are published quarterly and provide a case study of effective, practical implementation of a piece of housing policy or practice. The resulting short paper is intended to provide a knowledge base and provide ideas to others in the sector, building the overall capacity of the sector. The Housing Agency sources case-studies from our staff, The Housing Agency panels, housing practitioners and stakeholders.

Opening Statement: Bob Jordan, Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Remediation of Dwellings Damaged by the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Bill 2022
Posted:  Research area: 

On Thursday 23rd June, The Housing Agency was asked to attend the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing to discuss  the Remediation of Dwellings Damaged by the Use of Defective Concrete Blocks Bill 2022. The Housing Agency's CEO, Bob Jordan was joined by Peadar Espey, The Housing Agency’s Programme Manager for the Defective Concrete Blocks Grant Scheme for the committee session. 

Policy Insights Series: Issue 1 - Homelessness in the South-East Region
Posted:  Research area: 

The Housing Agency Housing Insight Series aims to disseminate good practice in housing and innovative solutions among housing practitioners in Ireland. Issues are published quarterly and provide a case study of effective, practical implementation of a piece of housing policy or practice. The resulting short paper is intended to provide a knowledge base and provide ideas to others in the sector, building the overall capacity of the sector. The Housing Agency sources case-studies from our staff, The Housing Agency panels, housing practioners and stakeholders.

The Housed Homeless: The role of housing policy in supporting victims of  Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)
Posted:  Research area: 

The Housed Homeless: The role of housing in supporting victims of Intimate Partner Violence (IPV)

The ache for home lives in all of us, the safe place where we can go as we are and not be questioned.

Opening Statement: Bob Jordan - Joint Committee on Housing, Local Government and Heritage Social & Affordable Housing – Financing and Funding
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing

On Tuesday 22nd March, the Housing Agency was asked to attend the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Housing to discuss our role in the funding & financing of Social & Affordable Housing. In particular, the Housing Agency discussed its direct roles in funding and financing - providing Cost Rental Equity Loans (CREL) to Approved Housing Bodies and managing the Housing Agency's Acquisition Fund.

Social Housing  in Mixed Tenure Communities
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing, Design, Supply, Place

A report being launched today (31st March), commissioned by the Housing Agency and the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) and carried out by Professor Michelle Norris and Dr.

Summary of Social Housing Assessments (SSHA) 2021 Released
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing

Social Housing Lists Cut By a Third

The Housing Agency's Statement of Strategy 2022-2024
Posted:  Research area: 

The Housing Agency’s Statement of Strategy, 2022-2024 was launched on the 27th of January 2022 by the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien TD.

The Statement of Strategy outlines how more affordable housing, increasing the supply of social and private homes and addressing social inclusion issues such as homelessness and ageing will be the priorities for the work of The Housing Agency over the next three years.

National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022 - 2027
Posted:  Research area: Housing for People with a Disability

New National Housing Strategy for Disabled People

The second National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022 – 2027 was published on 14th January 2022 by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) with the Department of Health (DoH) and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).


Part V Resource Pack 3rd Edition
Posted:  Research area: 

The Part V Resource Pack provides a step-by-step guide to negotiating a Part V agreement, beginning with a flowchart of the key steps in the process, which are then explained in greater detail. In addition, the Resource Pack provides some useful templates for local authority staff, a consolidated version of the Part V legislation and a copy of the 2017 Part V guidelines issued by the Minister.