News & Events

Housing Practitioners' Conference 2024 - Conference Report and Highlights
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The 2024 Housing Practitioners' Conference took place in Mullingar, Co Westmeath, on Thursday, 25 April and Friday, 26 April 2024.

The Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien T.D., opened the conference which involved a day and a half of expert speakers and workshops discussing best practice and policy on housing.

Housing Education Bursary Scheme 2024
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The Housing Agency is delighted to launch its Housing Education Bursary Scheme for the 2024/2025 academic year.

Oireachtas Housing Activity - Summary Q2 2024
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Research Summer Series - Housing Children and Young People in Ireland
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The Housing Agency’s Research Summer series will highlight new and interesting research in the area of housing in Ireland and will showcase research conducted or supported by the Housing Agency. The Summer Series will bring together housing practitioners, academics and public servants to discuss housing research.

The second of two lunchtime webinars will take place on 2nd July 2024 at 12pm.

Research Summer Series - Housing Choices for a Sustainable Future
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The Research Summer Series is back for 2024! On June 18th, the first of The Housing Agency’s Research Summer Series of webinars will discuss Housing Choices for a Sustainable Future. This sessions speakers are Martin Colreavy, Senior Adviser, Strategic Delivery and Urban Advisory, at the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, and Philip Comerford, Independent Architect, Housing and Urban Infill, at Philip Comerford Architects, Dublin.

Research Support Programme 2024 call for applications
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The Housing Agency has today launched the call for applications to the 2024 Research Support Programme. 

The Research Support Programme funds research responding to topical housing issues that have the potential to impact housing policy and practice. 

You can find more information here -

National Study of Housing Experiences, Attitudes and Aspirations in Ireland
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The National Study of Housing Experiences, Attitudes and Aspirations in Ireland - Residential Satisfaction Report 2023 has been launched. 

The study measures householders’ satisfaction levels with their homes and neighbourhoods and investigates their aspirations for future housing.

The national study commenced its first wave in 2018, the second wave was conducted in 2019 and the third took place during pandemic restrictions in 2020.

Housing Practitioners' Conference 2024
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Access the conference brochure and workshops brochure below:

Policy Insight Series Issue 4 - Office-to-Residential Conversions: Case studies from Tuath Housing
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Today, The Housing Agency has published the fourth issue of the Policy Insights Paper. Issue 4 looks at Office-to-Residential Conversions: Case studies from Tuath Housing.

This Housing Agency Policy Insights Series paper describes how Tuath Housing collaborated with stakeholders to successfully carry out two conversion projects in Park West Business Park , Dublin 12 and Springville House, Cork City. It demonstrates the benefits of repurposing a vacant building, with some of the key findings highlighted below.

Oireachtas Housing Activity - Summary Q1 2024
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  • The Homeless Report for November 2023 was published, and found that 13,514 people were accessing emergency accommodation during the week of 20-26 November 2023. 

  • The Sustainable Residential Development and Compact Settlements Guidelines for Planning Authorities were published. 

  • Monthly Commencement Data for December 2023 were published and shows commencement notices for 32,801 new homes were received by Building Control Authorities between January and December 2023.