Posted: Dec 03, 2024 By: Communications Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability
Peer Support Models

For many disabled people, independent living can be assisted with peer support.

Peer support is a supportive relationship between people who have shared experiences. It is based on the knowledge that disabled people are experts in recognising the barriers they face and the means in which such barriers can be tackled.

As part of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People, The Housing Agency has examined national and international examples of peer support models and explored what supports are currently available in Ireland and how, if necessary, they can be adapted or expanded to assist disabled people to live independent lives in their community.

The report, Peer Support Models, Examining models both nationally and internationally,  finds that the value of lived experience has been acknowledged as an integral component in assisting marginalised groups such as disabled people to live independently.

Read the full report here

Posted: Feb 23, 2024 By: Communications Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability
Information and Communication Strategy - National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022 - 2027

As part of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People (NHSDP), The Housing Agency has developed an Information and Communication Strategy following consultation with various stakeholders.

The purpose of the Strategy is to promote the use of accessible information and communication methods that are more inclusive of the specific requirements of disabled people. It allows organisations to put practices in place that will assist them to become more accessible and inclusive, and foster an environment of ongoing learning and development.

Read the Information and Communication Strategy here - Information and Communication Strategy. 

Posted: Jan 13, 2022 By: Communications Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability
National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022 - 2027

New National Housing Strategy for Disabled People

The second National Housing Strategy for Disabled People 2022 – 2027 was published on 14th January 2022 by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage (DHLGH) with the Department of Health (DoH) and the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY).


The second Strategy to 2027 will build on the considerable achievements of the 2011 Strategy, continuing the journey of the last 10 years which saw many people with disabilities allocated suitable housing, new structures developed to align housing provision with needed health and social care supports, progress made on decongregation into community residential care and increasing awareness and understanding of disability and housing within housing and disability services.


The 2022 Strategy re-echoes the vision of the first Strategy with a particular emphasis on disabled people having choice and control over their living arrangements. It seeks ‘to facilitate disabled people to live independently with the appropriate choices and control over where, how and with whom they live, promoting their inclusion in the community; and to further enable equal access for disabled people to housing with integrated support services’.


This new Strategy has been developed to clearly present Government’s vision for housing for disabled people:

  • by the three key Departments involved
  • following a comprehensive 8-month, 2-phase consultation including online focus groups held with the Disability Participation and Consultation Network
  • to support and strengthen the co-operation and collaboration of Government departments, state agencies, local authorities and others in delivering housing and related supports for disabled people over the next five years


A thematic approach to delivery is set out in the Strategy with each theme having desired outcomes that when delivered will contribute to the overall vision. The six themes include accessible housing and communities and affordability of housing alongside themes related to further developing knowledge, capacity and expertise across the sector and collaboration between the policy and delivery partners across the State. Key elements of progress from the 2011 Strategy in the new 2022-2027 Strategy are:

  • The Vision for the new Strategy has evolved from the first Strategy and, driven by the feedback to the consultation, now places independent living and being included in the community at its centre
  • The new Strategy aligns with the principles and provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and implementation of the new Strategy will be monitored through a UNCRPD lens
  • the structures that were established under the first Strategy, and which are widely regarded as being key to the progress made, have been reviewed and the new Strategy seeks to improve their operation and overall effectiveness.


Attention now turns to work on the very important Implementation Plan for the Strategy, the preparation of which will be overseen by The Housing Agency, and to be published by mid-year, detailing how outcomes will be achieved. Pending development of the Implementation Plan, a number of Actions requiring immediate progress are included by Theme.


The suite of documents accompanying the Strategy can be found below.





Supplementary Documents: 



Audio Version of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People Strategy Document 
01 - Disability Terminology
02 - Foreword & Contents
03 - Executive Summary & Overview of Themes
04 - Introduction
05 - Section 1 - Chapter 1 - National Housing Strategy for People with a Disability 2011 - 2016 (extended to 2021)
06 - Chapter 2 - National Disability Inclusion Strategy
07 - Chapter 3 - Progress on UNCRPD
08 - Chapter 4 - Policy Context
09 - Section 2 - Chapter 5 - Statistical Overview
10 - Chapter 6 - Research on Models and Practices
11 - Chapter 7 - Consultation
12 - Section 3 - Chapter 8 - The Strategy and the United Nations
13 - Chapter 9 - Vision and Themes
14 - Chapter 9 - Themes
15 - Section 4 - Chapter 10 - Implementation Plan
16 - Chapter 11 - Implementation Structures
17 - Chapter 12 - Monitoring and Data Collection
18 - Appendix 1 - Membership of the National Advisory Group
19 - Appendix 2 - Glossary of Terms
20 - Appendix 3 - References | The Housing Agency
Audio Version of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People Executive Summary 
00 Terminology, Contents, Timelines 
01 Introduction
02 Housing For All
03 The Strategy and the UNCRPD
04 Themes
05 Implementation Plan
Audio Version of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People Strategy Easy to Read Version
01 Introduction 
02 Section 1 - What Has Been Done 
03 Section 2 - Where We Are Now 
04 Section 3 - Where We Want To Get To 
05 Section 4 - How We Will Get There 

06 Data Collection 

Audio Version of the National Housing Strategy for Disabled People Strategy Implementation Plan
01 - Contents 
02 - Introduction
03 - The Vision
04 - National Housing Policy
05 - Mapping of Housing and Disability Policy
06 - Themes
07 - Implementation Structures 
08 - Update on the Implementation of the Strategy
09 - Funding Committments
10 - Theme 1 - Accessible Housing and Communities
11 - Theme 2 - Interagency Collaboration and the Provision of Supports
12 - Theme 3 - Affordability of Housing
13 - Theme 4 - Communication and Access to Information
14 - Theme 5 - Knowledge, Capacity, and Expertise
15 - Theme 6 - Strategy Alignment


Posted: Jun 25, 2019 By: Housing Agency Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability
Designing Housing to Meet the Needs of All

The Housing Agency has produced a roadmap which provides a pathway towards the information required to make informed decisions about better design, and to enable access, in a structured and easily understood way, to the standards and guidance required to ensure that every person has a home that is appropriate to their needs. It is underpinned by the existing regulatory environment, compliance with which is mandatory, as it applies.

Posted: Jan 01, 2016 By: Áine O’Reilly , Emer Whelan and Isoilde Dillon Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability, Design
Design for Mental Health - Housing Design Guidelines

This report was jointly commissioned by the Housing Agency and the Health Services Executive. These housing design guidelines assist those living with persistent mental health conditions. This is the first time any such design guidelines targeting this cohort of the population have been produced anywhere in the world. The Housing Agency and the HSE have drawn together best practice in home design for people living with enduring and life altering mental health conditions into design guidelines to help facilitate independent living.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2013 By: Housing Agency Research area:  Housing For Older People, Housing for People with a Disability
Review of the Housing Grants for Older People and People with a Disability

This report presents the findings of a Review Group which was convened by the Housing Agency to examine the Older Persons and Disability Grant Schemes for Private Houses and makes recommendations as to how the Grants can become more focused and targeted to those most in need.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2010 By: Antoinette Fennell , Mart Lee Rhodes , Heike Owens , Mark Dyer , Tony Owens Research area:  Private Rented Sector, Housing for People with a Disability
The Potential Role of the Private Rented Sector in the Provision of Accommodation for Pepope with Disabilities

This report, commissioned by the Housing Agency, is part of a series of three studies examining housing issues for people with disabilities, to inform the Housing Strategy for People with a Disability.  The report reviews the potential role of the private rented sector in the provision of accommodation for people with a disability.  The study includes interviews with stakeholder organisations, people with disabilities, landlords and letting agents.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2010 By: Noëlle Cotter , Sean Carroll Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability
Review of the Housing and Support Options for People with Mental Health Related Housing Needs

This report, commissioned by the Housing Agency, is part of a series of three studies examining housing issues for people with disabilities, to inform the Housing Strategy for People with a Disability.  The report is a review of support options for people with mental health and housing related needs.  The research includes interviews with stakeholders and case study visits. 

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Posted: Jan 01, 2010 By: David Silke , Noëlle Cotter , Michael Browne Research area:  Housing for People with a Disability
Review of Good Practice Models in the Provision of Housing and Related Supports for People with a Disability

This report, commissioned by the Housing Agency,  is part of a series of three studies examining housing issues for people with disabilities, to inform the Housing Strategy for People with a Disability.  The report is a review of good practice models in the provision of housing and related supports, and identifies four cornerstones of good practice: housing design, planned response to need, inter-agency co-operation and effective information provision.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2010 By: David Silke , Dr Vanda Clayton Research area:  Housing For Older People, Housing for People with a Disability
Evaluation of the Housing Adaptation Grant Schemes for Older People and People with a Disability

This report by the Housing Agency provides an evaluation of the housing adaptation grant schemes for older people and people with a disability to examine the effectiveness of the new schemes and to make recommendations for any necessary improvements. 

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