
We have carried out research on a wide range of different aspects of housing. This includes housing for specific groups (travellers, older people and people with a disability), housing tenure (private rented, social and owner occupied) and housing market (supply, demand, place, design). 

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Promoting Improved Standards in the Private Rented Sector: Review of Policy and Practice
Posted:  Research area: Private Rented Sector
This Policy Discussion Paper by the Centre for Housing Research reviews policy and practice in relation to the monitoring and enforcement of standards in the private rented sector by the local authorities. It aims to help inform the development of policy and practice in this area. It reviews current approaches throughout this country, draws on domestic and international research evidence and makes suggestions for improvement.
Supplementary Welfare Allowance, Rent Supplement: Implications for the Implementation of the Rental Accommodation Scheme
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing, Private Rented Sector
This study of rent supplementation was commissioned by the Centre for Housing Research and Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to inform the implementation of the new Rental Accommodation Scheme (RAS).
Good Practice in Housing Management: Guidelines for Local Authorities. Regenerating Estates, Rebuilding Vibrant Communities
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
The Centre for Housing Research commissioned these Good Practice Guidelines on Estate Regeneration. They and were prepared in response to the growing recognition of the important role that good quality environments play in improving the quality of life of local authority tenants.
Regenerating Local Authority Housing Estates: Review of Policy and Practice
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
This Policy Discussion Paper by the Centre for Housing Research draws on international literature on regeneration, which points to the need for much regeneration work to be multi-faceted.
Good Practice Guidelines: Training and Information for Tenants
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
This Good Practice Guide, commissioned by the Housing Unit, is aimed at local authorities and is intended to be a practical working tool for local authority housing managers and outlines the steps involved in achieving good practice in the provision of training and information for tenants.
Good Practice Guidelines: Preventing and Combating Anti-Social Behaviour
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
These good practice guidelines were produced by the Housing Unit, in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the City and County Managers Association. They are targeted at local authorities and are intended to be a practical working tool for local authority housing managers in preventing and combatting anti-social behaviour.
Good Practice Guidelines: Housing Refugees
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
These good practice guidelines were produced by the Housing Unit, in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the City and County Managers Association. They are targeted at local authorities and are intended to be a practical working tool for local authority housing managers in the issue of housing refugees.
Housing Policy Review: 1990 - 2002
Posted:  Research area: Demand, Supply
This report by the Housing Unit reviews the principal changes to the system of housing provision and housing policy in Ireland from 1990 to 2002, as well as recent social and economic developments which have impacted on housing and the range of market and non market housing options currently available.
Profile of Households Accommodated by Dublin City Council: Analysis of Socio-Demographic, Income and Spatial Patterns, 2001
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
This joint project between the Housing Unit and the Dublin City Council Social Inclusion Unit compiles a socio-demographic and spatial profile of Dublin City Council Tenants.
Good Practice Guidelines: Void Management
Posted:  Research area: Social Housing
These good practice guidelines were produced by the Housing Unit, in conjunction with the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the City and County Managers Association. They are targeted at local authorities and are intended to be a practical working tool for local authority housing managers and outlines the priorities for actions needed in order to achieve good practice in void management.