HSE Find a GP Service
General practitioners (GPs) treat common medical conditions and they are the entry point to a wide range of additional healthcare services.
General practitioners (GPs) treat common medical conditions and they are the entry point to a wide range of additional healthcare services.
This interactive map shows where you can access different types of mental health services and supports in Ireland.
IPAS provides accommodation to people who have applied for international protection.
We provide services and support for people seeking protection and people recognised as refugees in Ireland.
ITM work to challenge the inequalities faced by Travellers by promoting Traveller participation and leadership locally and nationally, by developing and sharing best practice, developing evidence b
Provides comprehensive information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland including housing and social welfare supports.
Local authorities (otherwise known as city or county council’s) in Ireland are the main providers of social housing support for people who cannot afford their own accommodation.
Legal Aid Board is an independent, publicly funded organisation providing civil legal aid and advice, family mediation services, and administering ad-hoc legal aid schemes connected with criminal m
The Money Advice and Budgeting Service (MABS) is a free, independent and confidential service that provides support in all areas of financial debt including mortgage arrears, bank loans, overdrafts