
  • HSE Addiction Treatment Services

    Search for drug and alcohol treatment services using our interactive map. Services cover a range of user needs and requirements, from adults to adolescents.

  • HSE Area Finder

    The HSE Area Finder allows health care workers from primary care, community care and hospitals to quickly:

  • HSE Find a GP Service

    General practitioners (GPs)  treat common medical conditions and they are the entry point to a wide range of additional healthcare services.

  • Irish Traveller Movement (ITM)

    ITM work to challenge the inequalities faced by Travellers by promoting Traveller participation and leadership locally and nationally, by developing and sharing best practice, developing evidence b

  • Pavee Point

    Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre provides strategic guidance, analysis, policy updates, information, training and support to  Traveller organisations throughout Ireland to facilitate acce
