What works will be covered by the scheme?

It is proposed that the scheme will cover works to remediate fire safety, structural safety or water ingress defects in purpose-built apartments and duplexes constructed between 1991 and 2013.

It is intended that only works relating to defects that are attributable to defective design, defective or faulty workmanship or defective materials (or any combination of these) and were in contravention of the Building Regulations applicable at the time of construction will be eligible for inclusion in the scheme.

Work to remediate defects arising from the following circumstances will not be included within the scope of the scheme:

  • those that originate from inadequate maintenance, or
  • a failure of sinking funds to adequately allow for end-of-life replacement of building and safety systems, or
  • inadequate management of later works to the building that have inadvertently resulted in defects
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