When will the scheme be operational?

On 18 January 2023, the Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage, Darragh O’Brien, TD, announced plans to draft legislation to support the remediation of apartments and duplexes with fire safety, structural safety or water ingress defects.

It is proposed that the scheme will become operational following implementation of the required legislation. Subject to the legislative process, it is intended that a scheme would be in place in 2024.

In order to ensure that important life-safety works are not paused, remediation works related to fire safety defects, entered into or commenced from 18 January 2023, will form part of the remediation scheme, and will be  subject to the scheme’s terms and conditions. Such works will need to be agreed with the relevant local authority’s Fire Services. The details of this process will be worked out as a priority and provided in due course.

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