Posted: Oct 29, 2020 By: Roslyn Molloy , Rory Mulholland Research area:  Social Housing, Housing For Older People
Thinking Ahead: The Financial Benefits of Investing in Supported Housing for Older People

The report Thinking Ahead: The Financial Benefits of Investing in Supported Housing for Older People was conducted as part of a range of recommended actions under the policy statement ‘Housing Options for Our Ageing Population’, published by the Government in March 2019.

Carried out by The Housing Agency, this research found that, by supporting people to live in homes suited to their needs, an average annual Government saving of €4,650 per person can be made, compared to that individual remaining in their current home or moving into long term residential care.

The figures are based on the provision of Supported Housing for 11,400 people over the next 10 years, a number derived from expected projections in Ireland’s population aged over 80.

The report Thinking Ahead: The Financial Benefits of Investing in Supported Housing for Older People is available here.

Attitudinal Survey of Mature Homeowners

On 29 October 2020 the Minister for State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke TD, launched both the above report, and the Attitudinal Survey of Mature Homeowners, which was conducted by the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage and the Irish Government Economic and Evaluation Service.

You can read the Attitudinal Survey of Mature Homeowners here.

Posted: Sep 10, 2020 By: roslynmolloy , ursulamcanulty , séinhealy and annemurphy Research area:  Housing Attitudes & Aspirations Series, Social Housing, Private Rented Sector, Owner Occupied, Housing For Older People, Demand, Design
Apartment Living in Ireland 2019

Housing Agency National Study of Irish Housing Experiences, Attitudes and Aspirations in Ireland - Apartment Living in Ireland 2019.  This study set out to find out how satisfied people living in apartments were with their homes.

The information in this research study was collected by: face-to-face Interviews with more than 500 people living in apartments, two focus groups with families with young children living in apartments and two focus groups with older renters, a literature review and a summary of recent policy changes, legislation and guidelines that impact on the development of apartment living.

The report is available here.

Posted: Dec 11, 2019 By: ursulamcanulty Research area:  Social Housing, Demand
Summary of Social Housing Assessments 2019

Each year, the Housing Agency carries out an assessment of households qualified for social housing support. The Summary of Social Housing Assessments brings together information provided by local authorities on households that are qualified for social housing support but whose social housing need is not currently being met. It is a point-in-time assessment of the identified need for social housing support across the country.

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Posted: Jul 11, 2019 By: Roslyn Molloy , Sein Healy , Ursula McAnulty Research area:  Housing Attitudes & Aspirations Series, Social Housing, Private Rented Sector, Owner Occupied, Demand, Design, Place
Housing Experiences of Renters and Owners in Ireland: Reports 3 & 4

This report is based on findings from the Housing Agency National Study of Irish Housing Experiences, Attitudes and Aspirations in Ireland, and focuses on the housing experiences of renters and owners in Ireland.

The focus of this study is on housing tenure, and examines levels of satisfaction within homes and neighbourhoods.  Tenure is analysed in more detail in the rented sector, with an analysis and comparison of social and private rented housing, while in the homeownership sector there is analysis and comparison of those who own their home with or without a mortgage. 

The report is available here

A working paper discussing the findings is available here.



Posted: Jan 01, 2018 By: The Housing Agency Research area:  Demand, Social Housing
Summary of Social Housing Assessments

The Summary of Social Housing Assessment 2018 counts the total number of households qualified for social housing support, to inform policy and plan for the right types of housing support.  It brings together information provided by local authorities about the numbers of households assessed as qualified for housing support on a prescribed date – 11th June 2018.  The report provides a breakdown of the data by set criteria – local authority, age, household composition, current tenure, basis of need, accommodation requirements, length of time on the list, etc.

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Posted: May 01, 2017 By: National Oversight and Audit Commission Research area:  Social Housing
A Review of the Management and Maintenance of Local Authority Housing

The Housing Agency assisted the National Audit and Oversight Committee in the completion of this review.  The review examines the effectiveness of local authorities in managing and maintaining their housing stock, i.e. dwellings that the local authorities either built or purchased for the purpose of providing social housing. It also examines the effectiveness of local authority processes for dealing with repairs requests, planned maintenance, the preparation of vacated units for re-letting, maximising occupancy, combatting anti-social behaviour and managing estates that are predominantly owned by local authorities.  

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Posted: Jan 01, 2017 By: The Housing Agency Research area:  Social Housing, Demand
Summary of Social Housing Assessments 2017

This Assessment counts the total number of households qualified for social housing support,  to inform policy and plan for the right types of housing support.  It brings together information provided by local authorities about the numbers of households assessed as qualified for housing support on a prescribed date – 28th June 2017.  The report provides a breakdown of the data by set criteria – local authority, age, household composition, current tenure, basis of need, accommodation requirements, length of time on the list, etc.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2016 By: Housing Agency and the Department for the Environment , Community and Local Government Research area:  Social Housing, Supply
Social Housing Output in 2015

This report, produced by the Housing Agency and the Department of the Environment, Community and Local Government, provides data on the various elements that comprised the total social housing output for 2015.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2016 By: The Housing Agency Research area:  Social Housing, Demand
Summary of Social Housing Assessments 2016

This Assessment counts the total number of households qualified for social housing support,  to inform policy and plan for the right types of housing support.  It brings together information provided by local authorities about the numbers of households assessed as qualified for housing support on a prescribed date – 21st September 2016.  The report provides a breakdown of the data by set criteria – local authority, age, household composition, current tenure, basis of need, accommodation requirements, length of time on the list, etc.

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Posted: Jan 01, 2015 By: The Housing Agency , Chartered Instituite of Housing in Ireland , John Peake editor Research area:  Social Housing, Supply
Effective Void Management in Ireland: A Good Practice Guide

This good practice report by the Housing Agency and Chartered Institute of Housing (edited by Professor John McPeake), provides guidance on the management of empty social housing. It provides an overview of good  practice in key areas of voids management, illustrated with examples from Ireland and the UK.

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