
Researcher: Philip Comerford

Title: Understanding the climate impacts of our housing choices


This research seeks to understand the climate impacts of different housing types. By analysing the whole life-cycle carbon emissions of typical dwelling types found in Ireland, it will provide communities, policy makers and housing stakeholders with a holistic understanding of their associated carbon emissions.

The research centrally asks, how can a holistic understanding of the climate impacts of Irish housing types, that considers the entire life cycle of buildings, integrate policy goals for both climate change and housing, and provide communities with choices on how to live and grow sustainably?

Through whole life cycle carbon analysis, the research will estimate the contribution of different housing typologies to global warming, from construction to demolition, and measure the total energy in carbon emitted by them. The aim of this research is to assess the potential of different housing types to create low energy and climate resilient sustainable communities.

Status: To begin Q1 2023
