The Housing Agency has developed a guidance document, Multi Unit Developments - A Guide to Insurance.
The document is intended to provide practical guidance in relation to insurance for multi-unit developments (MUDs) such as apartments. The material has been written with consumers / end-users in mind, mainly owners’ management companies (OMCs), and directors of OMCs. Licensed property management agents, and individual property owners in MUDs also may find the material helpful.
Guidance is provided about matters including the insurance policies relevant to MUDs, the parties involved, and their obligations. A glossary of insurance terms is included.
The content is subject to provisions of law applicable to MUDs, OMCs, licensed property management agents, and insurance contracts, including but not limited to the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011, the Property Services (Regulation) Act 2011, and the Companies Act 2014. In the event of a conflict between the guidance and legislation, the legislation prevails.
This guide is a live document and may be subject to change from time to time.