The Housing Agency welcomes the publication of the Housing First National Implementation Plan 2022 - 2026.
The plan, published on the 20th of December 2022 as part of Housing for All, provides for the creation of 1,319 additional Housing First tenancies over the period 2022 - 2026. This represents an average of 264 new tenancies per year, with specific regional targets now included. These targets are based on an analysis of need, which involved all key stakeholders and was supported by The Housing Agency.
The plan provides specific regional targets, a breakdown of tenancies by region and local authority can be found on page 6 of the implementation plan.
Under the National Implementation Plan 2022 - 2026, the Housing Agency will house the new National Directorate of Housing First. This directorate will become operational in early 2022 and will comprise of a National Director and support team. The National Director will drive a cross-Government approach to Housing First, support regional and local delivery of Housing First programmes, and oversee the achievement of Housing First targets. The directorate will also be responsible for training, target monitoring, facilitating networks, supports for property acquisition and evaluation.
Housing First targets the most vulnerable by enabling people with a history of rough sleeping or long-term homelessness and complex needs to obtain permanent accommodation accompanied by intensive supports to help them to maintain their tenancies. Unlike the staircase model, Housing First provides permanent, immediate housing as quickly as possible without any preconditions around addiction or mental health treatment.
The initial Housing First National Implementation Plan 2018 - 2021 committed to providing 663 tenancies. As of October 2021, 722 tenancies were created as part of this plan, and 647 individuals are currently in a Housing First tenancy since its inception in Ireland.
For more information on Housing First, visit the Housing First Manual page on our website.