Autumn Webinar Series - Building Sustainable Communities: National & International Perspectives

Posted: Oct 02, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Autumn Webinar Series - Building Sustainable Communities: National & International Perspectives

Aligning the provision of housing with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, The European Green Deal, and the National Climate Action Plan 2019 is a response to ensure that housing will be put on a more resilient and sustainable path.

The positive impact of  housing and communities  can  be  increased  through  the  application  of  principles  of  environmental  protection;  economic  effectiveness;  social inclusion and participation; and cultural adequacy (Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing). The Autumn webinar series builds on topics discussed in the Summer webinar series and explores four topics which can facilitate a more resilient and sustainable approach to housing: EU funding for building sustainable housing; the DGNB Sustainable Building Certification; Community led town centre regeneration; and Sustainable Transport and Housing.  

They are presented in a weekly one-hour webinar which provides an opportunity to learn about interesting research from national and international experts, discuss the latest developments, and engage with ongoing projects.


Participation in each webinar is free, but advance registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

To register for each webinar please click one of the links below:

Thursday  15 October
12-1:30pm (IST)

Financing the future of housing: Insights on EU funding for sustainable housing from across Europe
A panel featuring: Lily Maxwell, European Federation for Living; York Ostermeyer, Chalmers University; and  Marie Longueville-Chouteau, Vilogia.

Thursday 22 October
2-3:30pm (IST)

People power: Community-led town centre regeneration in Dumfries, Scotland
Scott Mackay, Midsteeple Quarter project

Friday 30 October 
12-1pm (IST)

Mobility makes sense: Walkability, neighbourhood design and the future of mobility and housing in Ireland
Lorraine Darcy, Technological University Dublin

Thursday 5 November
12-1:15pm (IST)

Making sustainability happen: Insights from Germany on the DGNB Sustainable Building Certification System.
Levan Ekhvaia and Stephan Anders, DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council)



Please note that these sessions may be recorded for future use.