Credit Unions
Credit Unions are financial co-operatives where members can save and lend to each other at fair rates of interest.
Credit Unions are financial co-operatives where members can save and lend to each other at fair rates of interest.
The Department of Social Protection (DSP) provides a range of services including the provision of income supports such as social welfare payments and employment services.
Depaul is a cross-border organisation working in 5 main areas of service provision which are:
EPIC provides an Advocacy Service to children and young people up to age 26 with care experience.
EPIC provides an Advocacy Service to children and young people up to age 26 with care experience.
EPIC provides an Advocacy Service to children and young people up to age 26 with care experience.
Focus Ireland is a housing and homelessness charity working to prevent people becoming, remaining or returning to homelessness through the provision of quality services, supported housing, research
FLAC provides free basic advice and information to people with legal queries FLAC does not offer a representation service and cannot assist you with finding legal representation.
Education and Training Boards are the driving force of education and training in the local community, with pathways for every learner across Early Education, Community National Schools, Post primar
Galway Simon Community (GSG) provide a range of services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.