Peter McVerry Trust
Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by substance misuse and social disadvantage.
Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by substance misuse and social disadvantage.
The Residential Tenancies Board was set up under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 to regulate the private rented sector.
The RTB's main functions are to:
Respond provide housing for some of the most vulnerable groups in society including those who have lived for long periods in hostels, temporary and insecure accommodation.
Provides a range of universal and targeted services. These include:
Safe Ireland have thirty-seven domestic violence services across Ireland affiliated as members to Safe Ireland.
Seatown House is our open access drop in day centre.
Spunout is a trusted, factual, non-judgmental information resource for young people living in Ireland.
Provides a range of universal and targeted services. These include:
The Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) is a non-governmental organisation and independent law centre based in Ireland which advises migrants on their rights while advocating for inc
IOM offer supports to individuals who would voluntarily like to return to their country of origin .