Mid West Simon Community
Mid West Simon Community (MWSC) has a vision where everyone has a home. In partnership with others we develop solutions to homelessness by:
Mid West Simon Community (MWSC) has a vision where everyone has a home. In partnership with others we develop solutions to homelessness by:
Provides information, advocacy and assistance on social welfare entitlements.
Nasc's Advocacy Service provides a free phone line service for questions on immigration law in Ireland or reception conditions for international protection applicants.
This service provides free and independent representative advocacy services to adults with disability across Ireland.
Provides comprehensive information on public services and on the entitlements of citizens in Ireland including housing and social welfare supports.
Northside Family Resource Centre is a safe, welcoming and supportive environment which enables the community to reach its full potential based on principles of equality, empowerment and justice.
NOVAS provide Supported Temporary Accommodation in Limerick, Dublin, Clare, Tipperary and Kerry.
DIAL House is a six unit residential service which accommodates care leavers with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues, at risk of falling into the cycle of homelessness.