
  • Novas

    NOVAS provide Supported Temporary Accommodation in Limerick, Dublin, Clare, Tipperary and Kerry.

    Clare, Dublin, Kerry, Limerick, Tipperary
  • Novas Dial House

    DIAL House is a six unit residential service which accommodates care leavers with learning disabilities and/or mental health issues, at risk of falling into the cycle of homelessness.

  • Pavee Point

    Pavee Point Traveller and Roma Centre provides strategic guidance, analysis, policy updates, information, training and support to  Traveller organisations throughout Ireland to facilitate acce

  • Peter McVerry Trust

    Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by substance misuse and social disadvantage. 

  • Respond Ireland

    Respond provide housing for some of the most vulnerable groups in society including those who have lived for long periods in hostels, temporary and insecure accommodation.

  • Safe Ireland

    Safe Ireland have thirty-seven domestic violence services across Ireland affiliated as members to Safe Ireland.
