
  • Barka

    Barka is a charity based in Dublin working to help people experiencing homelessness.

  • Crosscare Refugee Service

    We work with refugees, family members of refugees, programme refugees, people with subsidiary protection and leave to remain, international protection applicants and naturalised Irish citizens.

  • Donegal Intercultural Platform

    The Donegal Intercultural Platform clg is an independent non-governmental organisation made up of individual members & affiliated organisations who are committed to building inclusion and equal

  • Irish Refugee Council

    We provide services and support for people seeking protection and people recognised as refugees in Ireland. 

  • Nasc

    Nasc's Advocacy Service provides a free phone line service for questions on immigration law in Ireland or reception conditions for international protection applicants.

  • The Immigrant Council of Ireland

     The Immigrant Council of Ireland (ICI) is a non-governmental organisation and independent law centre based in Ireland which advises migrants on their rights while advocating for inc
