ALONE is a national organisation that works with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties.
ALONE is a national organisation that works with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties.
Depaul is a cross-border organisation working in 5 main areas of service provision which are:
Focus Ireland is a housing and homelessness charity working to prevent people becoming, remaining or returning to homelessness through the provision of quality services, supported housing, research
IPAS provides accommodation to people who have applied for international protection.
The overall purpose of this service is to respond to the needs of individuals who are rough sleeping or who are in need of support outside of daytime working hours in an outreach capacity.
Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by substance misuse and social disadvantage.
The Residential Tenancies Board was set up under the Residential Tenancies Act 2004 to regulate the private rented sector.
The RTB's main functions are to:
Respond provide housing for some of the most vulnerable groups in society including those who have lived for long periods in hostels, temporary and insecure accommodation.
The Probation Service provides assistance to offenders under probation supervision to identify needs and access services, including accommodation.