ALONE is a national organisation that works with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties.
ALONE is a national organisation that works with all older people, including those who are lonely, isolated, frail or ill, homeless, living in poverty, or are facing other difficulties.
Provides a range of universal and targeted services. These include:
Provides a range of universal and targeted services. These include:
Provides a range of universal and targeted services. These include:
Provides a range of universal and targeted services. These include:
Depaul is a cross-border organisation working in 5 main areas of service provision which are:
Focus Ireland is a housing and homelessness charity working to prevent people becoming, remaining or returning to homelessness through the provision of quality services, supported housing, research
Galway Simon Community (GSG) provide a range of services to people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness across Galway, Mayo and Roscommon.
Peter McVerry Trust is a national housing and homeless charity committed to reducing homelessness and the harm caused by substance misuse and social disadvantage.