Peter McVerry Trust Homeless Youth Café

In October 2015, Peter McVerry Trust opened Ireland’s only dedicated youth cafe for young people in homelessness. The cafe operates day time and evening opening hours for people in or at risk of homelessness. The service provides a welcoming and positive space for people to access food, IT, laundry, storage and shower facilities as well as receiving support from Peter McVerry Trust staff on site.


How to access the service?

  • Drop in
  • Phoneline
  • Website
Peter McVerry Trust Homeless Youth Café
Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 10:00 to 12:30 and 14:00 to 16:00 (closes for lunch)

Information and Advice Centre,
12/13 Berkeley Street,
Dublin 7,
D07 PV4Y

Phone number
1800 140 244
Support Services for Young People

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