
Posted: Nov 20, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Watch: Letting and living in apartments and managed estates - what landlords and tenants should know

The Housing Agency and the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) jointly hosted a lunchtime webinar on the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in managed residential estates, such as apartment developments.

David Rouse, advisor with The Housing Agency, discussed legal relationships in managed estates, and the relevance of the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011 to landlords and tenants. Emer Morrissey, Assistant Director, Head of Dispute Resolution at the RTB, addressed rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants and dispute resolution in the context of managed estates.

The views expressed by the speakers in this video are not necessarily those of The Housing Agency. All information correct as of broadcast date: 3 November 2020.

Posted: Nov 19, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Housing Conference 2020

Ireland shares many housing challenges with other developed economies, for example, providing the right housing in the right places, addressing affordability and ensuring that our housing stock contributes to sustainability - both sustainable communities and environmental sustainability.

Delivered in a virtual format, The Housing Agency's Housing Conference 2020 will explore these challenges in themed mid-morning sessions over the course of a week. Each session will provide expert input, followed by questions and discussion.

The final session will provide an opportunity for housing practitioners to network and learn about opportunities to further their professional skills and career development.

Participation in each webinar is free, but advance registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

Download the Housing Conference 2020 Agenda

To register for each webinar please click one of the links below:

Monday  30 November

Key Challenges
The opening session will place Ireland's housing sector in a broader context, exploring the challenges and considering learning from other countries.

Tuesday 1 December

Preventing Homelessness
This session will consider the steps we can take now to consolidate progress made on preventing homelessness

Wednesday 2 December 

Housing Affordability
This session will explore different aspects of Ireland's housing affordability challenge

Thursday 3 December

Sustainable Communities
This session will consider different aspects of building sustainable housing and communities

Friday 4 December

Build Your Career in Housing
This session offers career advice and insights as well as information on professional development and educational opportunities



All times above are Irish Standard Time

Please note that these sessions may be recorded for future use.

Posted: Nov 09, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Watch: Building Sustainable Communities: National & International Perspectives

The Housing Agency's vision is to promote sustainable communities.

Recently The Housing Agency hosted 'Building Sustainable Communities: National & International Perspectives', a series of webinars that considered some of the key elements of future resilient and sustainable communities. Many thanks to our expert speakers for contributing to the series.

Aligning the provision of housing with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, The European Green Deal, and the National Climate Action Plan 2019 is a response to ensure that housing will be put on a more resilient and sustainable path.

The positive impact of housing and communities; economic effectiveness; inclusion and participation; and cultural adequacy (Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing). The Autumn webinar series built on topics discussed in the Summer webinar series and explores four topics which can facilitate a more resilient and sustainable approach to housing: EU funding for building sustainable housing; the German DGNB Sustainable Building Certification; Community led town centre regeneration; and Sustainable Transport and Housing.

Please click below to view each webinar. Alternatively, view the complete playlist on The Housing Agency's YouTube channel.

The views expressed by the speakers in these videos are not necessarily those of The Housing Agency. All information correct as of broadcast date.

  • Financing the future of housing: Insights on EU funding for sustainable housing from across Europe
    A panel featuring: Lily Maxwell, European Federation for Living; York Ostermeyer, Chalmers University; and  Marie Longueville-Chouteau, Vilogia. (15 Oct 2020)
  • People Power: Community-led town centre regeneration in Dumfries, Scotland
    Scott Mackay, Midsteeple Quarter project (22 Oct 2020)
  • Mobility makes sense: Walkability, neighbourhood design and the future of mobility and housing in Ireland
    Lorraine Darcy, Technological University Dublin (30 Oct 2020)
  • Making sustainability happen: Insights from Germany on the DGNB Sustainable Building Certification System.
    Levan Ekhvaia and Stephan Anders, DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) (5 Nov 2020)
Posted: Oct 29, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Significant savings could be made by investing in Supported Housing for older people - report

The State could save €900 million over 30 years[i] as a result of direct public investment in Supported Housing for older people, research conducted by The Housing Agency has found.

Thinking Ahead: The Financial Benefits of Investing in Supported Housing for Older People’, found that, by supporting people to live in homes suited to their needs, an average annual Government saving of €4,650[ii] per person can be made, compared to that individual remaining in their current home or moving into long term residential care.

The figures are based on the provision of Supported Housing for 11,400 people over the next 10 years, a number derived from expected projections in Ireland’s population aged over 80 during this time period.[iii] 

Supported Housing is housing built specifically for older people, offering some level of care and support.

At the launch of this research today, co-authors Roslyn Molloy and Rory Mulholland outlined the range of Supported Housing options explored and the benefits derived from each:

·        Independent Living accommodation (where a low level of additional services would be required) provided through social housing for one older person would generate an annual benefit of €4,700.

·        Assisted Living accommodation (where there may be a healthcare manager, housing manager, or an activities coordinator on site, and day care/primary care centres nearby) provided through social housing for one older person would generate an annual benefit of €5,200.

·        Specialised Living accommodation (where social and healthcare staff would be on-site, meals would be provided, and care supports would be available 24-7, similar to nursing home care) provided through social housing for one older person would generate an annual benefit of €2,200.

Privately-funded Supported Housing could potentially generate annual savings of €4,000, €9,200 and €20,000 for each accommodation type respectively. Additional savings from private provision are due to the absence of capital costs being met up-front by the State.

Launching the report, Minister of State with responsibility for Local Government and Planning, Peter Burke TD, said:

“As a nation we are living longer, and the number of older people in our population is set to grow significantly in the next ten years. In response, this Government recognises the need to plan ahead to meet the housing and healthcare needs of an ageing population. This research is a significant step in our ongoing work in this area.”

Chief Executive of The Housing Agency, John O’Connor, said:

“While this research began pre- Covid-19, its relevance as we continue to deal with the global pandemic is clear. This year has shown us the power of community.

“Through Supported Housing, many older people can remain in their own communities and maintain a level of independence that would otherwise be lost. It strengthens their connection to family and friends, and provides them with a secure home.

“For many people, residential nursing home care may be the most appropriate form of care into their later years. However, for many the availability of a Supported Housing option would provide a welcome alternative and come with a significant saving to the State. Such savings come from preventing or delaying the need for an older person to access nursing home care, but also by reducing the care needs of those who would otherwise stay in standard accommodation.”

Research outlined in Thinking Ahead: The Financial Benefits of Investing in Housing for Older People was conducted as part of a range of recommended actions under the policy statement ‘Housing Options for Our Ageing Population’, published by the Government in March 2019. 

[i] Estimate based on Supported Living provided through the State, rather than privately.
[ii] Average taken from investment in 11,400 units of Supported Housing through a social housing model -  50% Specialised Supported Housing, 25% in Assisted Living, and the other 25% in independent Living.
[iii] The Central Statistics Office has estimated the population of over 80-year-olds in Ireland to increase by 114,000 between 2018 and 2030. Currently, 11.6% of Ireland’s over-80s population are in nursing home care (Census 2016). For this analysis we assume that, of the additional 114,000 over-80s by 2030, 5% can be accommodated in Specialised Supported Housing, 2.5% in Assisted Living, and another 2.5% in Independent Living. This amounts to a total of an additional 11,400 people in Supported Housing.
Posted: Oct 17, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Letting and living in apartments and managed estates - what landlords and tenants should know

The Housing Agency and the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) will jointly host a lunchtime webinar on the rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants in managed residential estates, such as apartment developments.

David Rouse, advisor with The Housing Agency, will discuss legal relationships in managed estates, and the relevance of the Multi-Unit Developments Act 2011 to landlords and tenants.

Emer Morrissey, Assistant Director, Head of Dispute Resolution at the RTB, will address rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants and dispute resolution in the context of managed estates.

The hour-long session will take place at 12pm on Tuesday 3 November 2020.

Click here to register

Registration is required to participate in this free webinar. To register please click above or visit Places are limited to 1,000 participants, on a first-come first-served basis.

Webinar Programme

  • Introduction & background
  • Presentations:
    • David Rouse, The Housing Agency
    • Emer Morrissey, Residential Tenancies Board
    • Q&A

Please note that this session will be recorded for future use.

Posted: Oct 02, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Autumn Webinar Series - Building Sustainable Communities: National & International Perspectives

Aligning the provision of housing with the UN Sustainable Development Goals, Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing, The European Green Deal, and the National Climate Action Plan 2019 is a response to ensure that housing will be put on a more resilient and sustainable path.

The positive impact of  housing and communities  can  be  increased  through  the  application  of  principles  of  environmental  protection;  economic  effectiveness;  social inclusion and participation; and cultural adequacy (Geneva UN Charter on Sustainable Housing). The Autumn webinar series builds on topics discussed in the Summer webinar series and explores four topics which can facilitate a more resilient and sustainable approach to housing: EU funding for building sustainable housing; the DGNB Sustainable Building Certification; Community led town centre regeneration; and Sustainable Transport and Housing.  

They are presented in a weekly one-hour webinar which provides an opportunity to learn about interesting research from national and international experts, discuss the latest developments, and engage with ongoing projects.


Participation in each webinar is free, but advance registration is required. After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar.

To register for each webinar please click one of the links below:

Thursday  15 October
12-1:30pm (IST)

Financing the future of housing: Insights on EU funding for sustainable housing from across Europe
A panel featuring: Lily Maxwell, European Federation for Living; York Ostermeyer, Chalmers University; and  Marie Longueville-Chouteau, Vilogia.

Thursday 22 October
2-3:30pm (IST)

People power: Community-led town centre regeneration in Dumfries, Scotland
Scott Mackay, Midsteeple Quarter project

Friday 30 October 
12-1pm (IST)

Mobility makes sense: Walkability, neighbourhood design and the future of mobility and housing in Ireland
Lorraine Darcy, Technological University Dublin

Thursday 5 November
12-1:15pm (IST)

Making sustainability happen: Insights from Germany on the DGNB Sustainable Building Certification System.
Levan Ekhvaia and Stephan Anders, DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council)



Please note that these sessions may be recorded for future use.

Posted: Sep 16, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:

The Housing Agency and the National Building Control Office recently hosted a lunchtime webinar on the Irish building control system as it applies to residential buildings.

John O’Connor, Chief Executive Officer of The Housing Agency, discussed the development of the building control system since the enactment of the Building Control Act 1990.

Richard Butler of the National Building Control Office addressed the practical operation of BC(A)R 2014 from the NBCO's perspective, BCMS, and the future for building control.

The views expressed by the speakers in this video are not necessarily those of The Housing Agency. All information correct as of broadcast date: 15 September 2020.

Posted: Sep 14, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Watch: Multi-Unit Developments, Design Standards for New Apartments - 2018 Planning Guidelines, an Update

The Housing Agency and the Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland recently hosted a webinar updating stakeholders about the March 2018 Apartment Planning Guidelines for Planning Authorities.

John O’Mahony FRIAI of the RIAI delivered an overview of the Guidelines and considered their operation in design and practice. David Rouse of The Housing Agency addressed the interaction of the Guidelines with the operation and management of apartment developments.

The views expressed by the speakers in this video are not necessarily those of The Housing Agency. All information correct as of broadcast date: 10 September 2020.

Posted: Sep 08, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
Construction Law, High-density Housing/Multi-Unit Developments, and Recent Changes

The Housing Agency and the Construction Bar Association of Ireland will jointly host a lunchtime webinar about recent developments in law affecting high-density housing and MUDs.

The hour-long session will take place at 12pm on Tuesday 29 September.

Registration is required to participate in this free webinar. To register please visit Places are limited to 500 participants, on a first-come first-served basis.

Webinar Programme

  • Introduction & background – Deirdre Ní Fhloinn, BL, and David Rouse, The Housing Agency
  • Presentations:
    • The Statute of Limitations in Property Damage Cases: Recent Developments – Anita Finucane, BL
    • Recent challenges to Strategic Housing Developments – Mema Byrne, BL
    • Regularisation of common area title when the developer is struck off – Patricia Burke, BL
  • Q&A.

Please note that this session will be recorded for future use.

Speaker Bios

Anita Finucane BL

Anita was called to the Bar in 2014.  She practices and lectures in the areas of common law, chancery and non-jury matters and construction law. Anita is a member of the Bar Council 2019/2020 and Chair of the Young Bar Committee.  Anita coordinates the relationship between the Association and the Young Bar.

Mema Byrne BL

Mema Byrne BL is a practicing barrister, member of the Law Library since 2003, and elected member of the Bar Council of Ireland. Mema has a wide civil practice with an emphasis on commercial disputes and property law. Mema is a Chairperson with the Mental Health Commission, an Adjudicator with the Private Residential Tenancies Board and a member of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Tribunal.  She specialises in landlord and tenant, housing, land law, conveyancing, probate and local government law. Mema is the author of “Landlord and Tenant- The Commercial Sector” (Round Hall, 2014), and has contributed to the Conveyancing and Property Law Journal and the Local Government Law Review. Mema has previously lectured in land law, landlord and tenant law, and company law.

Patricia Burke, BL

With many years’ experience in the commercial world, both domestically and internationally, Patricia practises in land law, and commercial landlord and tenant. She specialises in resolving commercial disputes – contract and company. Apart from her commercial practice, she also specialises in the area of probate and trusts.

Posted: Aug 28, 2020 / By: michaelmchale Categories:
RIAI Graduate Training Scheme - Placement with The Housing Agency

The RIAI Graduate Training Scheme is seeking applications for a placement with The Housing Agency.

The programme, designed for recent graduates with a recognised qualification in architecture, is an opportunity to obtain practical work experience for three years to prepare for the Professional Practice Examinations.

The selection process will be shortlisting for competitive interview.

The package for successful applicants consists of:

  • Salary €30,000.00 per annum
  • Practical experience to prepare for the DIT/UCD Diploma in Professional Practice
  • 36 Month Placement in The Housing Agency, Dublin

The Housing Agency supports Local Authorities and Approved Housing Bodies in the delivery of housing and regeneration projects. It manages all stages of construction projects, from feasibility stage through to design, tender, building and handover, with a particular focus on procurement and project management.

Further information on this placement, including application form, is available at

For further information, contact RIAI +353 1 6761703 / Email

Closing Date for return of application forms is 5pm on Friday 25 September 2020.