
Posted: Nov 12, 2019 / By: donneln Categories:
Outreach Event for Volunteer Directors of Owners’ Management Companies

With the increasing number of managed estates, multi-unit developments, and owners’ management companies (OMCs) across the country, the Housing Agency is hosting evening Outreach Events for volunteer directors of OMCs.

 The events will cover:

  • Roles and responsibilities of OMC directors
  • Resources available for OMC directors
  • Challenges faced by OMCs & managed estates

The events will be held at:

North East

Nuremore Hotel, Carrickmacross, Co. Monaghan, Wednesday 27 November 2019: 6.30p.m. to 8p.m.


Clayton Hotel, Ballybrit, Galway, Wednesday 4 December 2019: 6.30p.m. to 8p.m.

Registration for the event will be available shortly by way of Eventbrite, or email to:

The Housing Agency’s dedicated page, with information and resources for OMCs and multi-unit developments

Posted: Nov 12, 2019 / By: donneln Categories:
Training Session for Landlords

The Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) has partnered with Fingal County Council to deliver the RTB Betterlet: Accredited Landlord training scheme. The RTB and the Fingal Housing Department are inviting landlords in Fingal County and surrounding counties to take part in its free, one-day accreditation course on Saturday, 30th November at the Clayton Hotel Dublin Airport.  

Further Details

Posted: Nov 05, 2019 / By: Anonymous (not verified) Categories:
Housing Agency Annual Conference 2019
L-R Krystyna Rawicz (KRA Visionary Project Partners), Minister Eoghan Murphy, Sorcha Edwards (Housing Europe), Michael Carey (Housing Agency), Amanda Ziegler Dybbroe (CCPD) and Laura Burke (EPA)

Minister Eoghan Murphy opened the Housing Agency's Annual Conference which took place in the Aviva Stadium in Dublin on the 6th November 2019. The theme of the conference was Housing and Sustainability. Read the Programme and Press Release

Speakers Presentations:

Laura Burke, Director General, Environmental Protection Agency

Dr. Nessa Winston, Associate Professor, UCD

Krystyna Rawicz, KRA Visionary Project

Orla Coyle, Programme Manager, Sustainability Energy Authority of Ireland

Mark Scott, Professor of Planning, UCD

Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General, Housing Europe

Amanda Ziegler Dybbroe, Copenhagen City & Port Development Corpororation (CCPD)


Posted: Jun 14, 2019 / By: eimirobrien Categories:
Housing Practioners’ Conference 2019

Save the Date!

This year’s annual Housing Practitioners’ Conference will take  place on the 4 & 5 July at the Lyrath Estate Hotel, Kilkenny

Bookings can be made through the Institute of Public Administration (IPA)

Conference programme is available here

Posted: Jun 10, 2019 / By: Dympna Clerkin Categories: Events
Build Your Career In Housing Event


Housing is a growing career sector in Ireland comprising of a wide range of professionals from diverse backgrounds all working towards the aim of delivering sustainable and affordable housing for everyone.

This event is for anyone who is curious about a career in housing, or who possibly has already embarked on one, and would like to learn more

It is a free event from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the National Museum on Kildare Street on Thursday 16th May 2019

To book a place please email

The evening will provide

  • career insights from established Housing professionals
  • a panel discussion on the challenges for housing professionals
  • networking opportunities
  • Information on housing training and educational opportunities
  • The role of social media for the housing practitioner

Brought to you by the Housing Training Network made up of Institute of Public Administration (IPA) Chartered Institute of Housing Ireland (CIH) the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) and the Housing Agency

Posted: Jun 01, 2019 / By: dympnaclerkin Categories:
Housing Agency hosts Vienna Model of public housing exhibition

Pioneering Vienna Model of public housing exhibits across Dublin

The public exhibition will host seminars and events across three Dublin locations

Dublin, 1st April 2019  The pioneering Vienna Model of Housing will be the subject of a month long exhibition, taking place from Monday 1st to Thursday 25th April across three Dublin venues. The public exhibition is a joint partnership between the Housing Agency,  Dublin City Council and  the City of Vienna. It will feature a number of seminars and events to introduce a wider debate on housing futures in Dublin and nationally.

Exhibiting in CHQ in Dublin’s Docklands, The Rediscovery Centre, Ballymun, and Richmond Barracks in Inchicore, the Vienna Model of Housing is internationally regarded for its continued achievement of sustainable, high quality residential development using a cost-rental approach that in effect delivers housing for all. The model adopts a general needs approach to housing provision and delivers secure, long-term, high-quality and innovative public rental housing in well designed, adaptable and inclusive neighbourhoods.

Accompanying seminars will support discussion of integral elements of the Vienna Model such as managing population density, public housing as a sustainable solution and cost-rental.

Identified as a significant component within the Viennese Model, cost-rental works to achieve sustainable prices, disrupting the link between price and market values and moderating the boom-bust cycle. This is credited with helping to create housing at a cost that people can afford.

John O’Connor, CEO of the Housing Agency, commented, “The Housing Agency is delighted to co-sponsor the Vienna Model exhibition and the associated seminars. Our intention, when we originally thought of bringing the exhibition to Ireland, was to show what has been achieved in Vienna and to share it widely.

John O’Connor added, We believe the exhibition and associated events provide a timely opportunity to consider in detail a successful housing model that has contributed to making Vienna such an attractive and well-loved city for both its citizens and for visitors. As we face the considerable challenge of providing affordable housing, for many of our own citizens, there is much to learn from our European counterparts and from Vienna, in particular. 

Discussing the success of the Vienna Model of Housing, Executive City Councillor for Women’s Issues & Housing, City of Vienna, Kathrin Gaál, said, “Providing affordable housing in Vienna has been a political priority since 1919. Compared to other cities, rents and land prices in Vienna have not solely been determined by the market. Vienna's allocation guidelines ensure that higher income earners and the middle class can access the public housing sector.”

The Vienna Model of Housing Exhibition is open to the public and will be hosted in CHQ in Dublin’s Docklands from 1st to 7th April, The Rediscovery Centre in Ballymun from 10th to 13th April and Richmond Barracks from 15th to 25th April. Free seminars and free children’s workshops will take place across all venues. Register for seminars and workshops online at

For more information:


Posted: May 13, 2019 / By: eimirobrien Categories:
Build Your Career in Housing Event 2019

Housing is a growing career sector in Ireland comprising of a wide range of professionals from diverse backgrounds all working towards the aim of delivering sustainable and affordable housing for everyone.

This event is for anyone who is curious about a career in housing, or who possibly has already embarked on one, and would like to learn more

It is a free event from 4 to 6:30 p.m. in the National Museum on Kildare Street on Thursday 16th May.

To book a place please email

The evening will provide

  • career insights from established Housing professionals
  • a panel discussion on the challenges for housing professionals
  • networking opportunities
  • Information on housing training and educational opportunities
  • The role of social media for the housing practitioner

Brought to you by the Housing Training Network made up of Institute of Public Administration (IPA) Chartered Institute of Housing Ireland (CIH) the Irish Council for Social Housing (ICSH) the Residential Tenancies Board (RTB) and the Housing Agency